Mark Damuni Williams
Computer Science PhD (2023-present)
(University of Nottingham)
- Working on Grothendieck topologies and synthetic mathematics internal to homotopy type theory.
- Supervised by Ulrik Buchholtz.
MMath Mathematics and Computer Science (2019-2023)
(University of Oxford)
- Dissertation: Modalities and Geometry in Homotopy Type Theory.
- Supervised by Kobi Kremnitzer.
- Thesis reviews the use of modalities to encode generic geometric structures in type theory, in particular, tangent spaces and bundles, derivatives and étale maps. Then I investigate an open problem regarding classifying the étale maps for nullification of a single type.
- Awarded the Hoare Prize 2023 for the best overall performance in mathematics and computer science.
- A Recipe for Synthetic Mathematics in HoTT (MGS 2024)
- Formally Étale types (SAG, video)
- Teaching Assistant at Midlands Graduate School 2024
- Taught synthetic homotopy theory. See the notes here.
- Teaching Assistant at UoN
- COMP1043 - Mathematics for Computer Science 2 (Spring 2024)
- COMP2012 - Languages and Computation (Spring 2024, Spring 2025)
- COMP2065 - Introduction to Formal Logic (Autumn 2025)