Hiya! I’m Mark, and I’m a PhD student at the Functional Programming Lab, in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Nottingham. Before that I completed my undergrad and master’s degree in mathematics and computer science at the University of Oxford.
I’m interested in a wide variety of topics in mathematics, computer science and philosophy. In my research I work with homotopy type theory and use it to study different axiomatic foundations for doing geometry. These include synthetic differential geometry and synthetic algebraic geometry.
Recently I’ve been reading ``Vicious Circles’’ by Jon Barwise and Lawrence Moss, about non-wellfounded set theory with applications in both computer science and philosophy. I am learning to crochet and knit too, including some mathematical crochet, like hyperbolic surfaces, and I also listen to and review music.
I’m always available to chat about my work and interests, so feel free to contact me!